Package com.evanmclean.evlib.util

Cousin to java.util package containing related utilities.


Class Summary
ArrayListIterator<T> A (list) iterator over an array of any objects.
CalUtils Misc utilities for handling Calendar objects.
Colls Factory for creating collection objects with a bit of short-hand (plus a few other utilities).
CompareCase A string comparator that sorts case insensitively first, then by case.
CompareIgnoreCase A string comparator that does case-insensitive comparisons.
FileProperties Load properties object from a file.
TreeMapIgnoreCase<V> A tree map where the key is a case insensitive string.
TreeSetIgnoreCase A set of strings which ignores case.
UnmodifiableIterator<E> Wrapper around an Iterable or an Iterator that makes an iterator that will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if UnmodifiableIterator.remove() is called.
UnmodifiableListIterator<E> Wrapper around an List or an ListIterator that makes a list iterator that will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if UnmodifiableListIterator.add(Object), UnmodifiableListIterator.remove() or UnmodifiableListIterator.set(Object) is called.

Package com.evanmclean.evlib.util Description

Cousin to java.util package containing related utilities.