
File IO related stuff.


Class Summary
BoundedInputStream Input stream wrapper which limits and optionally enforces the number of bytes read from an input stream.
BoundedOutputStream Output stream wrapper that limits and optionally enforces the number of bytes written.
ByteArrayInputOutputStream A byte array output stream which you can then directly get an input stream for without the overhead of copying the byte array.
CSFileReader Create a file reader which expects the file to be encoded with the specified character set.
CSFileWriter Create a file writer which writes the file with the specified character set.
Files Perform various file related operations.
FileStructureCopier Recursively copies a set of files.
Folders Perform certain folder/directory related operations.
MergedInputStream Read from a set of input streams, as if they are all one big input stream concatenated together.
MergedReader Read from a set of readers, as if they are all one big reader concatenated together.
PrintStringWriter Combines a PrintWriter with a StringWriter.
RecursiveDelete Delete entire contents of a folder, with optional error handling.
ReplacingFileCopier Copies files, replacing tokens like "%token%" with the substitute value.
UTF8FileReader Create a file reader which expects the file to be UTF-8 encoded.
UTF8FileWriter Create a file writer which writes the file with UTF-8 encoding.

Exception Summary
OverrunIOException May be thrown by a BoundedOutputStream during a write operation if the total number of bytes written exceeds the limit.
UnderrunIOException May be thrown by a BoundedOutputStream during a call to BoundedOutputStream.pad() or BoundedOutputStream.close() if the total number of bytes written is less than the limit.

Package Description

File IO related stuff.