Package com.evanmclean.evlib.escape

Performs character escapes on strings to make them safe for various output (e.g., HTML, XML, Javascript).


Class Summary
Esc Provides worker objects that can perform character escapes on strings to make them safe for various output (e.g.
EscCsv Makes a string safe to use as a field within a comma separated (CSV) file.
EscHtml Performs character escaping suitable for HTML output.
EscJava Makes a string safe to use as a string literal inside a piece of Java code (does not add enclosing double quotes).
EscJavascript Makes a string safe to use as a string literal inside a piece of Javascript code (does not add enclosing double quotes).
EscUrl Makes a string safe to use as a URL parameter.
EscXml Escapes character escaping suitable for XML output.

Package com.evanmclean.evlib.escape Description

Performs character escapes on strings to make them safe for various output (e.g., HTML, XML, Javascript).